MardiGras Mambo graphic
beads graphic smiling graphic beads 
Show Me Something Mr! graghic

rainbow line


animated line graphic

Mardi Gras Parades are some of the best and most unique in the world. Every day they begin at 8:00 a.m. and continue past sundown. This goes on until the final day of "The Greatest Free Show on Earth", (Fat Tuesday).

The most magnificent parades occur during the last five days of the celebration in February. This is when the larger parades such as Orpheus, Bacchus, Zeus, Rex, Zulu, and Bards work their way through the streets of New Orleans. People stand for hours waiting to see beautiful floats and unique costumes. Beads and coins are tossed from the floats to the public, keeping with the traditions of the first celebration of Mardi Gras.

It's a show you have to see!

parade photo Floats such as this are some of the most beautiful creations you'll ever witness in a parade.

rainbow line

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